Complex Chaos
Sean Tann
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In Complex Chaos a fractal is displayed on the arched dome above you. It will grow and change depending on your movements and position in the room. Fractals are complex but not random and to Tann they visualize the beauty of mathematics. These fractals are from the Julia Set which was first described in the early 1900's but wasn't visualized until computers could do the thousands of required calculations in 1978. Now you can even interact with them through the advancement of technology and the work of Sean Tann.

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MOR July: Through the Looking Glass
This month, Michelle Brown (@thebadlament) brings us two pieces, both illustrated in Tilt Brush. Exhibited in 2019 at The Other Art Fair in Melbourne, Looking Glass explores the use of space and boundaries through colourful multifaceted structures you can peer through. Similarly, in Glass Cities, Brown examines pods of human settlement, posing the question: What does the future hold for humanity?
Introducing Spatial interviews
With our Fall Update, we introduced a new way to learn more about the amazing artists pushing the envelope of virtual reality (VR) art. Spatial Interviews are similar to audio tours or podcasts, except in the MOR, these are captured moments you can walk around in and experience like you were there. In addition to a guided tour of Sean Tann's Complex Chaos, we now have two new Spatial Interviews in the MOR, one with VR artist John Orion Young and the other with sound designer, Em Halberstadt.
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MOR x Tribeca Immersive 2022
We're excited to host this year's Tribeca Immersive selections in the museum! Tribeca Immersive showcases cutting-edge virtual, augmented and mixed reality experiences by top artists pushing the boundaries of storytelling with technology through impactful and emotionally engaging stories.
Announcing The Canadian Collection
The Museum of Other Realities presents its first original collection of narrative experiences curated across the Canadian immersive ecosystem. The Canadian Collection, a project co-created with Kaleidoscope and produced in partnership with the National Film Board of Canada and Canada Media Fund will be held in the virtual gallery from December 17, 2021 to April 29, 2022.
Spotlight: Andy Baker on Ascribing Personality to Randomness
Based in Brighton, UK, Andy Baker is an artist-developer who has “always been drawn towards more creative ends of tech, and probably the tech ends of the creative world”. For our November 2020 show called Body Clock we had the opportunity to work with Andy, specifically with the mathematical piece Gossamer. 
The Museum of Other Realities is Now Free to Visit
We’re excited to announce that there’s no longer a paywall to get into the MOR!
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