Dami and Falian follows the interstellar exploits of Dami Oguniran, a Nigerian college student, and Falian Dei V, an alien criminal, as they explore a region of outer space known as ‘The Coalition’. A pair of fugitives on the run, the duo embark on dangerous jobs to get by, traveling from world to world, never staying too long in one place. As a Nigerian artist, currently based in Canada, Edward Madojemu created How Was Your Day as a way to process the feelings of displacement that came with starting a new life in a new country. The film was storyboarded and animated in VR using Quill. After all the animations were complete, the assets were imported into Unity to add lighting, post-processing, and other effects before rendering. Edward looks to the work of artists like Goro Fujita, Daniel Piexe, and Wesley Allsbrook, as well as non-VR artists such as Alberto Mielgo and Yun Ling for stylistic inspiration. He hopes viewers can walk away feeling like they’ve just returned from an adventure in another world, leveraging the medium's ability to transport viewers to places they would never be able to visit in real life.